Hydrabody and Emerald Laser | Pocketmags.com

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Hydrabody and Emerald Laser

Aesthetic Medicine editor Anna Dobbie visited the Hydrafacial flagship store for a full back treatment with Hydrabody and Emerald Laser at its Body Beautiful event


Earlier this year, Hydrafacial unveiled six new body programmes based on its original three-step ‘cleanse, extract, hydrate’ protocol to extend its 360-degree approach to health and wellbeing. Using the brand’s existing vortex technology, the expanded offering includes treatments for the neck, buttocks, legs, hands, and arms, as well as the back. The only low-level laser in the industry that is Industry FDA Market Cleared to treat patients up to a BMI of 40, the Emerald laser is a non-invasive, non-surgical fat loss treatment that shrinks fat cells in stubborn areas of the body. The treatment emulsifies the adipose tissue and releases excess fatty materials into the body, where they are lost through the natural course of detoxification through the lymphatic system. The low-level, non-thermal laser which neither heats nor freezes the skin emits 10 532nm green lasers onto the skin to break down hypertrophic adipocytes (fat cells) without killing them, keeping the hormonal system balanced and making the cells lean and healthy again.


I get excited every time I come to the Hydrafacial flagship store, not only because of its rainbow aesthetic and friendly clinicians but also because I know my skin is in for a treat. Following an initial chat about the protocols with Dr Medispa founder Dr Munir Somji, I was taken into the VIP suite and prepared for the first part of my treatment, the Hydrabody on my back.

This was my third treatment at the Hydrafacial flagship, so the device already had my details to hand. First, my skin was detoxified with some lymphatic drainage to increase circulation and eliminate toxins, then deeply cleansed, and exfoliated with a gentle peel to uncover a new layer of skin. A brightening agent loosened the debris from the pores; then, the wand acted like a vacuum, opening pores for gentle extraction of impurities using painless suction. In the final steps, the skin’s surface was saturated with intense moisturisers and nourishing peeling ingredients, followed by rejuvenation with a hand-held LED light to stimulate collagen and reduce redness. The treatment, which took around half an hour, flew by as I chatted with my practitioner.

For the second part of my session, the Emerald Laser device was positioned over my back, and I lay basking in the green light. A completely painless procedure, I was able to relax as the machine did the hard work. Who says no pain, no gain?


I have quite smooth skin on my back, so I don’t think the results were as obvious as on a patient with more severe ‘bacne’ or psoriasis. It’s also quite hard to see your own back so it’s difficult for me to comment, but my partner said that my skin felt as if it had been waxed! What I can easily recommend is how pleasant the Hydrabody procedure felt. I had a very enjoyable experience being treated and as always I enjoyed seeing all the little comedones floating around in the jar! Regarding the Emerald Laser session, results take time to develop and multiple treatments are recommended, so I intend to complete a full course of treatments over the next few months; stay tuned for the results in a future issue!


The new Hydrabody menu of treatments allows therapists to address the demand for whole-body skin health, targeting skin concerns, including keratosis pilaris, bacne, pigmentation or uneven skin tone. The body treatments can be conducted employing your existing Hydrafacial equipment and its vortex technology, using a range of tips, serums, and boosters to tackle specific body skin concerns. Optional add-ons of LED light therapy and lymphatic drainage can also be incorporated to upgrade the experience. Hydrafacial offers its clinic partners a range of Hydrabody marketing assets as well as education training sessions on how to incorporate the new treatments into their businesses.

Emerald laser treatments can be completely unattended and have no known side effects, downtime or freezing. Offering patients proven and measurable results, it is unique in the market in being able to treat those with BMIs up to 40.

This article appears in June 2023

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