Back to the roots |

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Back to the roots

Pharma Hermetic is one of the pioneers in hair biotechnology products from Barcelona, Spain. It’s a specialty pharmaceutical company producing hair care products.

With extensive experience of more than 20 years in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, Pharma Hermetic founders decided to combine their knowledge and the acquired knowhow to establish a company that would focus its activity on the hair care.

Its key treatment is the Hair Recovery Program SP55, a cosmetic topical solution designed for people suffering hair loss that works by supporting the stem cells in the hair follicle.

The ingredients in HRP SP55 inhibit the formation of the 5α-Reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into the much more potent androgen, DHT. If 5-AR levels increase, more testosterone will be converted into DHT, and greater hair loss will occur.

Therefore HRP SP55 blocks the formation of DHT; high levels of androgens, including DHT, can shrink the hair follicles as well as shorten this cycle, causing hair to grow out looking thinner and more brittle, as well as fall out faster. DHT can also make it take longer for follicles to grow new hairs once old hairs fall out.

Some people are more susceptible to these effects of DHT on scalp hair based on variations in their androgen receptor (AR) gene. Androgen receptors are proteins that allow hormones like testosterone and DHT to bind to them. This binding activity typically results in normal hormonal processes like body hair growth, but variations in the AR gene can increase androgen receptivity in the scalp follicles, making it more likely to experience male pattern hair loss.

In addition, HRP SP55 increase the telomerase activity in the stem cells of the hair, which is directly linked to their proliferation.

HRP SP55 revitalises the hair bulb to obtain a greater thickness and strength, helping strengthen the anchorage of the root and hair and rebalance the scalp. With no side effects on the patient, this is a noninvasive application. 

HRP SP55 helps to:

• Reduce scalp inflammation

• Boost better quality hair growth

• Stimulate hair production

• Thicken the existing hair

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This article appears in December 2020

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December 2020
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